Sunday, September 20, 2009

Eating dead babies

Since I moved out of home a few years ago I haven't eaten heaps of meat.  Not intentionally, but it helps keep my food bill down.  In an attempt to have more energy and concentration during my long work days I started buying the single portions of meat when it's on sale at my supermarket.  Can't go past a $3 lamb chop.

Look how thick this baby is!!  :)   

I paired him with some sweet potato and rosemary chips, broccoli, and a salad with capsicum, spinach, mushrooms, cucumber and alfalfa.  There's also a bit of tomato chutney on the side there. 

I'm happy to say the running is starting to pick up again.  I've been off work for the last few days on study leave which means I can run at times other than 6am or 10pm.  Plus it has been sunny, but not too warm, which is always motivating!!  I did the usual 6.4km lake run on Wednesday and Saturday, and then a 10km run up around the Tan and back yesterday.  I'm thinking today I'll give the running a rest and use that gym membership I've been neglecting to go to a Pump class later.  My gym is literally on the beach and looks out over the water.

My gym is that building in the photo.  The cardio machines look out over the water and any bikini clad backpackers sitting on the beach.  Great motivation ;)  Still, if possible I'd always rather run along the beach or by the lake than slog it out on a machine.  I only got a membership a couple of months ago when winter kicked in and it was too dark, cold, and windy to run after work.  I got it half price through work and paid up front so I don't feel bad if I don't use it, as long as I'm doing something with my body. 

Now I am finishing off half a tub of Jalna yoghurt.  Eating out of the tub like a real classy lady.  I forgot this stuff exists for a while. 

Hundreds of millions of probiotics swimming in my tummy. 

Okay, gotta go attend to some work issues (I thought I was meant to be on leave!!) and then hit the books.

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